kitt.: Cool Mirabelle
kitt.: Mirabelle "swimming"
kitt.: Mischief sign
kitt.: the Great Meadow
kitt.: White berries
kitt.: Red berries
kitt.: Steffi tipping over a dead tree
kitt.: Kris and Steffi stick fight
kitt.: Doyle and Brynne at the top
kitt.: Brynne made it!
kitt.: Mark, Mirabelle and Beth
kitt.: The perfect Christmas tree
kitt.: Brynne declares
kitt.: Doyle at the top
kitt.: On his way up
kitt.: Megan thinks about it
kitt.: Megan stuck in a tree.
kitt.: At the top, posing
kitt.: Brynne at the top
kitt.: Steffi eating ants
kitt.: the black and the red ant
kitt.: Megan and Mirabelle
kitt.: Brynne (and a hint of Doyle)
kitt.: Doyle at the top
kitt.: Moving on up!
kitt.: Heading to the top
kitt.: Over the river and through the woods
kitt.: Doyle as Daniel-san
kitt.: Doyle in the tire swing
kitt.: Granny's cabin