NOAASatellites: CERES Instrument Delivered to Ball Aerospace
NOAASatellites: CERES Delivery to Ball Aerospace
NOAASatellites: TCTE Launch
NOAASatellites: CERES Completes Thermal Vacuum Testing
NOAASatellites: Suomi NPP
NOAASatellites: NOAA- Environmental Testing Underway for all Five JPSS-1 instruments
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 Spacecraft Bus
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 Spacecraft Bus
NOAASatellites: Building TCTE
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 (Black Background)
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 (Blue Background)
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 (Front View)
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 (White Background)
NOAASatellites: Zenith Deck View
NOAASatellites: Y Side View
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 successfully mated to its propulsion tank.
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 Satellite Integration Readiness Review
NOAASatellites: Ball Aerospace technician adjusts multi-layer insulation on the OMPS instrument
NOAASatellites: Ball Aerospace technician removes test equipment from the OMPS nadir instrument
NOAASatellites: Technician disconnects the nitrogen purge line to the OMPS instrument prior to its shipment at Ball Aerospace
NOAASatellites: OMPS instrument prior to integration
NOAASatellites: Ball Aerospace technicians lower the OMPS main electronics box onto the JPSS spacecraft.
NOAASatellites: The OMPS main electronics box is installed onto the JPSS spacecraft.
NOAASatellites: OMPS is installed onto the JPSS spacecraft by Ball Aerospace technicians.
NOAASatellites: The OMPS instrument is lowered onto the JPSS spacecraft for integration.
NOAASatellites: JPSS-1 Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) is Prepared for Shipment.
NOAASatellites: Preparing for Ship: The Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)
NOAASatellites: CrIS Temperature Output Composite
NOAASatellites: The Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Instrument Prepares for Shipment