CaronPhotography: Cottage on Longleat estate
CaronPhotography: You put your left foot out...
CaronPhotography: Num num num
CaronPhotography: Giraffe Beach
CaronPhotography: You watch my back and I'll watch yours
CaronPhotography: Synchronised eating
CaronPhotography: The Lesser Mannered Homo-Touristo
CaronPhotography: I want *that* blade of grass
CaronPhotography: Rhesus monkey family
CaronPhotography: Big brother's going for a wander
CaronPhotography: Little brother wants to know where big brother is going
CaronPhotography: So little brother follows
CaronPhotography: Little brother wants to be carried
CaronPhotography: Give me a ride!
CaronPhotography: If you won't help me I'll climb on anyway
CaronPhotography: Patient big brother
CaronPhotography: Nit picking
CaronPhotography: Deer park
CaronPhotography: Tiger tiger...
CaronPhotography: Wolf pack