V. Mason: Harris Hawk
V. Mason: Mallard
V. Mason: Landing Duck
V. Mason: Pelican
V. Mason: Gull
V. Mason: Turkey Vulture
V. Mason: Yellow billed stork
V. Mason: Peli Profile
V. Mason: Ring-neck reflection
V. Mason: Mrs. Mallard
V. Mason: You know it's spring when......
V. Mason: ring-neck reflection
V. Mason: Swan Portrait
V. Mason: Swan Portrait
V. Mason: Great-Crested Grebe
V. Mason: Pelican and Swan
V. Mason: Is my hair sticking up?
V. Mason: Preening Ruddy Duck
V. Mason: Take time to stop and ....
V. Mason: Don't you swim away from me!!
V. Mason: White on Black
V. Mason: White on Black (with a little orange)
V. Mason: Green Heron
V. Mason: Nesting Harris Hawk
V. Mason: Common Yellowthroat
V. Mason: Black-Bellied Whistling Duck
V. Mason: House Finch