Swallowtailed: Sauce and Noodles
Swallowtailed: Prepping the Pan
Swallowtailed: Me and Lizzie
Swallowtailed: Broccoli Prepped
Swallowtailed: Lasagna Noodles
Swallowtailed: Homemade Vegetable Sauce for the Lasagna
Swallowtailed: Happy for Christmas
Swallowtailed: Dick looks happy!
Swallowtailed: Cousins!
Swallowtailed: Siblings Pour the Wine
Swallowtailed: And then drink
Swallowtailed: Uncle Ken
Swallowtailed: Poor Blind Old Man
Swallowtailed: Beloved Bosco
Swallowtailed: Preparer of the best eggnog on earth
Swallowtailed: The B Dog
Swallowtailed: Mom and Bosco