Swallowtailed: The roux
Swallowtailed: Cajun Dinner 2-6-05
Swallowtailed: Gumbo and Frying Mussels
Swallowtailed: OctoberPie
Swallowtailed: Chocolate Treats
Swallowtailed: The Tofu Mango Shakes
Swallowtailed: Breakfast
Swallowtailed: KISS Freezer Bag
Swallowtailed: Feel the Love
Swallowtailed: Surprise!
Swallowtailed: Challah
Swallowtailed: Breakfast!
Swallowtailed: Peas Paneer
Swallowtailed: Dinner Outside
Swallowtailed: Thai Green Curry
Swallowtailed: Pizza #2
Swallowtailed: Drinks!
Swallowtailed: Pissaladiere
Swallowtailed: Brownies
Swallowtailed: IMG_0145
Swallowtailed: IMG_0148
Swallowtailed: IMG_0151
Swallowtailed: IMG_0152
Swallowtailed: IMG_0133
Swallowtailed: Asian Dinner 6-19-05
Swallowtailed: IMG_0131
Swallowtailed: IMG_0130
Swallowtailed: IMG_0127
Swallowtailed: IMG_0128