www.nmarchaeology.org: Beads from the Twin Lakes highway salvage project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Shell bead recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Pigment (in raw form) recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Concretion recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Yellow pigment recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Red pigment (in raw form) from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Red pigment (in raw form) recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Broken mother-of-pearl bead from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Tubular bead recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Stone beads recovered from the Twin Lakes highway project
www.nmarchaeology.org: Travertine pendants from the Twin Lakes highway salvage project