Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Two Statesmen Having Drunk Their Fill...
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: A Pitcher Fill'd with Nappy Ale
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Science of Compliance: Behavioral Research In Clinical Trials
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Father Martin's Guidelines
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Az alkohol méreg--öl, butít, nyomorba dönt! =: Alcohol Is Poison--It Kills, Makes You Stupid, Makes You Miserable
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Great Drink Refusal #21
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Alcoolisme =: Alcoholism
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Alcoolisme =: Alcoholism
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Alcoolisme =: Alcoholism
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Alcoholism: The Drunkard's Progress
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Alcoholism: King Death's Distribution Of Prizes
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Another Imported Fashion
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Soft is the heart of a child: a story of the effect of alcoholism in the family