Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Sjukbesöket =: Sick Visit
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Il Dottor Sangrado Beve Vino Contro il Suo Sistema: = Le Docteur Sangrado Boit du Vin Contre son Sisteme =: Doctor Sangrado Drinks Wine Against His System: = Le Docteur Sangrado Boit du Vin Contre son Sisteme
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Gil Blas Visita il Dottor Sangrado: = Gil Blas Rend Visite au Docteur Sangrado =: Gil Blas Visit Doctor Sangrado: = Gil Blas Rend Visite au Docteur Sangrado
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Gil Blas Divenuto Medico da la Sua Prima Cura: = Gil Blas étant Devenu Médecin Fait sa Première Cure =: Gil Blas Became a Doctor from His First Cure: = Gil Blas having Become a Doctor Performed his First Cure
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Gil Blas Ammalato: = Gil Blas Malade =: Gil Blas Sick: = Gil Blas Malade
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Questione Nata fra Gil Blas e il Dotr. Cuchillo: = Grand Querelle Arrivée Entre le Dr. Cuchillo et Gil Blas =: Questione Nata fra Gil Blas e il Dotr. Cuchillo: = Great Quarrel Arrives Between Dr. Cuchillo and Gil Blas
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: La Visite du Médecin := Doctor's Visit