Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
A Porte-Arthur
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Pendant l'Agonie d'un Pere =: During the Agony of a Father
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
La Chambre de Cornélius Herz à Bournemouth =: Cornelius Herz's House at Bournemouth
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Les Souverains Maudits =: Cursed Sovereigns
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
La Séquestrée de Poitiers =: Sequestered Poitiers
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Un Chirurgien Frappé de Congestion Pendant Qu'il Opère =: Surgeon Hit With Congestion While Operating
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Un Accident à l'Ecole de Medecine =: An Accident at the School of Medicine
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
L'Affaire de Vaugirard =: Vaugirard Affair
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Assassinat du Pharmacien de Limours =: Assassination of the Limours Pharmacist