Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Medical Alphabet
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
A- Ailing
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
B- Burning Fever
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
C- Convulsions
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
D- Dropsy
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
E- Epidemic
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
F- Fits
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
G- Gathering
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
H- Hard Swelling
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
I- Insanity
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
J- Jaw Lock'd
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
K- King's Evil
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
L- Low Spirits
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
M- Mortification
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
N- Nervous
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
O- Old Disorders
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
P- Patient!
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Q- Quackery
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
R- Rickets
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
S- SmallPox & the Snuffles
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
T- Tumour
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
U V- Universal Vegetable Pills
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
W- Whit Low!
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
X- Xerophthalmy
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Y- Yellow Fever
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Z- Zoonomy