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Man infested with dracunculus
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Indi Dracunculos Ligneolis ex tibÿs educentes =: Indians bringing out the wooden dragons
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Laocoon vetusti operis trium artificum Rhodiorum ex hortis Vaticanis =: Laocoon, an ancient work of three Rhodian artists from the Vatican Gardens
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Persarum Chirurgia, dracunculos extrahendi = : Surgery of the Persians, for the extraction of dragonflies
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Draconarÿ Romani ex coniectura =: Draconian Romans from conjecture
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Pseudolaocoon, Petri Apiani
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Instrumenta Chirurgica ad extractionem dracunculorum =: Surgical Instruments for the Extraction of Dragonflies
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Astacus fluviatilis, ablatâ Superiori testâ, apertus, ut interiora pateant =: Astacus fluviatilis, removed from the Superior test, opened, so that the insides were exposed
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Draconis. Signi Dacici, et Draconariorum -: Dragon The signs of the Dacians, and of the Draconians
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Dracunculus in hepate alaudae pedis Rom. magnitudine repertus =: Dracunculus in the liver of a lark's foot Rom. discovered in greatness
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Statua matronae Romanae Serpentem foventis =: Statue of the Roman Matron Nurturing the Serpent
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Spongitae IX tubulis Serpentiformibus constrati
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Nummus Pescennÿ Nigri [and] Aesculapius