Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Le Marchand de mort aux Rats =: Rat Death Merchant =: The Rat Death Merchant
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Visiting Nurse stands amongst the trash in the district
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Corte del cerebro motor del gato de veinticinco dias =: Section of the motor brain of the twenty-five-day-old cat
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Ceruary wolf, lynce [et] chao
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Felis, et Leporis =: Cats and Lepor
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Dedication ceremonies for Buildings 36 and 37
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: De cato seu fele =: Cato your fele
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Corte de la capa molecular y zona de las pequeñas pirámides =: Section of the molecular layer and zone of the small pyramids
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Felis foemina hexapus cum aelurogono, idest buglossa =: Cats are female hexapus with aelurogonum, buglossa
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Leek Island Military Hospital: Private Wm. Dale, a shell-shock patient : he had been buried alive and was only found because they were looking for an officer who happened to be under him
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Leek Island Military Hospital: Nathalie and the kittens
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Leek Island Military Hospital: Priscilla Benedict and Burns
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: "I'll Be Your Light"
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Four children, one holding a cat, seated on the floor watching television
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Curiosity killed the cat: but it can save your life
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Getting ready for the sulphurers
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Donnez moi une demi once du métique =: Give me half an ounce of the metic
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Miseries Of Human Life
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Vaccinating The Baby
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Raw Meat System, or Gentlemen in training for Pedestrian Exercises
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Enfermedades del estómago: La Academía de Medicina de París aprobó el empleo del Carbón de Belloc =: Stomach diseases: The Paris Academy of Medicine approved the use of Belloc Coal
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Sciroppo Laroze Iodurato: il migliore depurativo =: Laroze Iodurate Syrup: the best purifying agent