Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Oculaire Royal
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Opticks & perspective
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Reversal of an image as it passes through a lense
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Reversal of an image when projected through an opening
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Optical illusion
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Organi Visus =: Organ of Sight
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Lunettier: Contenant Quatre Planches = : Spectacle Maker: Containing Four Plates
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Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Vision and the Mechanism for Response to External Stimuli
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Early ophthalmoscope
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Vision and visual perception
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Conspicilla =: Lookout
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Gil Blas ammalato: = Gil Blas malade =: Gil Blas sick: = Gil Blas malade
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Vain book collector
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L'Oculiste =: Ophthalmologist
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Peripatetic Dentist
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Trying on eyeglasses
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Lunetier, Ouvrages et Outils =: Eyewear, Works and Tools
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Lunetier, Verres de differens foyers =: Spectacle maker, Lenses of different hearths
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t'Gesicht =: t'face
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Human eye
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Lunetier, Machines a couper et a polir =: Eyewear, cutting and polishing machines
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Marchand De Lunettes =: Glasses Merchant
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Brain Plate
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Brain Plate
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH:
Laura Bridgman