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Stichas =: Stichaskraut
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Asparagus =: Spargen
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Acorum officinarum =: Drachenwurtz
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White lilly =: Lilium album
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Nymphaea odorata
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Iris germanica =: Blaw Gilgen
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Cotenea malus =: Küttenbaum
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Paeonia foemina =: Peonienblüm
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Juniperus communis
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Acanthus uera =: Welsch Bernklaw
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Cerasus =: Kirschen
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Myroxylon peruiferum Lin
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Dipsacus purpureus =: Braun Kartendistel
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Linum satiuum
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Dipsacus albus =: Weiss Kartendistel
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Halicacabum uulgare =: Judendocken
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Clove July-flowers =: Caryophyllus ruber
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Bryonia alba
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Filix non ramosa major
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Liess Knospen oder Narzenkolben
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Cassia marilandica
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Aquilegia =: Ackley
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Scilla =: Meerzwibel
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De lilio conuallio: Meien blümlin