Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Coca Wine: For Fatigue of Mind and Body
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Scott's Emulsion: the little Turk
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: What-worries her?: she is trying to solve the Cas-Car-Ria problem
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Presented by Van Riper & Co., Druggists: Risley's Extract Witch Hazel
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Pardee Medicine Co., Rochester, N.Y
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Dr. Isaac Thompson's celebrated Eye Water: for all complaints of the eyes
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Scott & Bowne's Palatable Castor Oil
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Stimulation without intoxication: Malt Bitters
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: The fight for the standard: Ayer's Pills
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Wonderful Effects of Morrisons Vegetable Pills
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Ayer's Sarsaparilla: the discovery of America
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil: is used all around the world
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry: for coughs and all lung diseases
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Dr. Morse's Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Use the Supreme Skin Remedy, Sulphide of Arsenicum
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Specialists in painless extracting: Dr. Decker's Dental Rooms
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Scott's Emulsion calendar: keep to the right
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Use Dunbar's Diarrhoea Mixture
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Catarrh, neuralgia & headache no more!
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Thorn's Vegetable Cough Cure
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Ayer's Ague Cure: is warranted to cure all malarial disorders
Archives of Medicine - NLM - NIH: Brown's Iron Bitters: the best tonic