nlindze: pre-christmas presents from Adam's folks
nlindze: they are amazed
nlindze: leaving on the epic journey into the mountains
nlindze: start of a long drive
nlindze: tim ho's!
nlindze: the troops return to the march
nlindze: first glimpse of the mountains
nlindze: sunshine on snow
nlindze: the peak
nlindze: sol in the back jumpseat
nlindze: still smiling mid-journey
nlindze: it is a kind of torture
nlindze: three-quarters point break
nlindze: ice is a rarity in these kids' lives
nlindze: minivan rambo
nlindze: almost there! provisioning break
nlindze: glamour in the produce section
nlindze: comparison shopping, veggie-burger edition
nlindze: menu consultations
nlindze: now, really...
nlindze: unfortunately, only one can play on the iphone at a time. the other harrasses.
nlindze: and goofs off
nlindze: and gets a little crazy
nlindze: at Grandpas!
nlindze: mom & Sera
nlindze: Andrea
nlindze: Susie meets the puppy
nlindze: Mary Grace helps Grandma sew
nlindze: Dad helps Andrea budget
nlindze: on the other hand