nicmarie21: (sigh)
nicmarie21: Rich and Cheryl at Game 3
nicmarie21: Lineups
nicmarie21: Scoreboard
nicmarie21: Too bad there were only 3 games. bah.
nicmarie21: Lined up players
nicmarie21: Close up Scoreboard
nicmarie21: National Anthem
nicmarie21: Again
nicmarie21: Off to play sh*tty
nicmarie21: Players
nicmarie21: Mr. Cub
nicmarie21: Wavin his hat
nicmarie21: Getting the crowd excited
nicmarie21: Hand shaking
nicmarie21: Yep that's him
nicmarie21: Rooftops
nicmarie21: Other rooftops
nicmarie21: Can't seem to change any of those but the first 2 numbers. bah again.