nicmarie21: Jamie Aileen and Paul
nicmarie21: Only 2nd pic of the night...
nicmarie21: Great one!
nicmarie21: Feel the love
nicmarie21: Jennie!
nicmarie21: FISHES
nicmarie21: Girls farther
nicmarie21: Better closer :)
nicmarie21: Reinke and I
nicmarie21: Jane and I
nicmarie21: Again
nicmarie21: Drinky!?
nicmarie21: Smiles
nicmarie21: Ah smoking
nicmarie21: Sad empty cup
nicmarie21: Not sure how this happened but it's cool
nicmarie21: Laughing
nicmarie21: Close up smile
nicmarie21: Smooshing
nicmarie21: Right up the nose
nicmarie21: Sideways glance
nicmarie21: Laughing/talking
nicmarie21: Cup holding
nicmarie21: Another with my mouth open
nicmarie21: the stare
nicmarie21: Checking out the peeps
nicmarie21: Riiiiggghhht.
nicmarie21: Beautiful
nicmarie21: Laughing more