nicmarie21: We are winners
nicmarie21: #1 in fact
nicmarie21: Check it out
nicmarie21: And again
nicmarie21: Another nice one, impressive
nicmarie21: Thanks Nate
nicmarie21: Right, fun
nicmarie21: Now we have 12 of Katie and Nate with no regular smiling ones...
nicmarie21: Scared, pouting
nicmarie21: Excited
nicmarie21: Shocked
nicmarie21: Crazy
nicmarie21: Ok so that's not bad
nicmarie21: bored
nicmarie21: Heather and I
nicmarie21: Group shot
nicmarie21: More faces, shocking
nicmarie21: love it
nicmarie21: Licking for some reason
nicmarie21: Too many pictures I think maybe
nicmarie21: Conversation
nicmarie21: Playing around with camera settings
nicmarie21: Craig and I
nicmarie21: Birthday girl
nicmarie21: Drinking
nicmarie21: flowers
nicmarie21: Bacci is good
nicmarie21: Ha, great