njw28: Wimpole at Christmas
njw28: Ghosts
njw28: Carols at Christmas
njw28: Wimpole Christmas
njw28: Wimpole at Christmas
njw28: Pineapple
njw28: Christmas Pie
njw28: Wimpole Hall Chapel
njw28: Christmas at Wimpole
njw28: Wimpole Wreaths
njw28: sewing at Christmas
njw28: Wimpole at Christmas
njw28: wimpole at christmas: card player in the saloon
njw28: Stag
njw28: stag and the moon
njw28: Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
njw28: In vacant or in pensive mood,
njw28: through the may blossom
njw28: unlucky for some ?
njw28: Pictures of Pictures
njw28: a relaxing location ?
njw28: Blurry chocolate
njw28: easter eggs at wimpole
njw28: So you're the perfect sphere ?
njw28: Books
njw28: the emperess
njw28: wimpole boy in uniform
njw28: watching the world go by at wimpole
njw28: HMS
njw28: Nurse