njw28: Face in the Crowd
njw28: Dachshund & Shoes
njw28: sweets
njw28: Pico Launch
njw28: Classic Boat
njw28: busy morning in Burnham Market
njw28: HMS Hermes, returning from the Falklands 1982
njw28: Splash !
njw28: Statues
njw28: Ilfracombe 1974
njw28: Jolly Fiat II
njw28: 29er leaving the race
njw28: Yellow Fiat
njw28: Jolly Fiat
njw28: Floating
njw28: P1000248
njw28: Another lost boot in Burnham Staithe mud
njw28: 1970s Wedding
njw28: Black Cragg view to Crinkle Craggs
njw28: villa
njw28: Regatta Race
njw28: Laser Vago, Unconventional launch
njw28: Laser Vago, trapeze practice ?
njw28: Minorca Sailing, 49er
njw28: Laser Stratos in Minorca (5)
njw28: Laser Stratos planing in Minorca 4
njw28: Laser Stratos in Minorca 5
njw28: Laser Stratos planing in Minorca 3
njw28: Laser Stratos in Minorca 2
njw28: Laser 2000 in Fornells bay, Minorca