sickmouthy: Convergence 4
sickmouthy: Newman A ceiling
sickmouthy: Convergence
sickmouthy: Light paths
sickmouthy: This pose...
sickmouthy: Lighting array
sickmouthy: XFI
sickmouthy: Chlorination
sickmouthy: Stair top
sickmouthy: Stair bottom
sickmouthy: Blue door
sickmouthy: Row of buoys
sickmouthy: South Bank book stall
sickmouthy: Towards the rest of the world
sickmouthy: Towards Dawlish
sickmouthy: And from a slightly different perspective
sickmouthy: Train tracks
sickmouthy: Coloured... things
sickmouthy: Library ceiling
sickmouthy: Fernworthy
sickmouthy: Sky sail
sickmouthy: Tram lines
sickmouthy: B&W cranes
sickmouthy: Cranes
sickmouthy: Chairs
sickmouthy: Danger of death
sickmouthy: Fencing, scaffolding, netting
sickmouthy: Danger of death, keep out!
sickmouthy: Danger of high contrast death, keep out!