newyorkprof: Garangelos, Hertel Avenue
newyorkprof: Cafe Allegro, Hertel Avenue
newyorkprof: City Hall and Niagara Square
newyorkprof: Guaranty Bldg Looking up
newyorkprof: Guaranty Bldg
newyorkprof: Elmwood Avenue
newyorkprof: Everything Elmwood
newyorkprof: Main Street Buffalo, NY
newyorkprof: Gold Dome, Buffalo, NY
newyorkprof: Niagara Mohawk Building Buffalo, NY
newyorkprof: Jazz at the Albright Knox
newyorkprof: Hoyt Lake, Delaware Park
newyorkprof: Albright Knox Art Museum
newyorkprof: Blue Sky Mauoleum in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, NY
newyorkprof: El;mwood Pets
newyorkprof: Thin Ice Sign
newyorkprof: Thin Ice Store
newyorkprof: Thin Ice cat
newyorkprof: Tiff Nature Preserve
newyorkprof: Barton house
newyorkprof: Nowak Pier
newyorkprof: Peace Bridge
newyorkprof: Ice Flow on the Niagara River
newyorkprof: Buffalo River looking toward the Peace Bridge
newyorkprof: 20140822_195156
newyorkprof: 20140822_195312
newyorkprof: 20140822_193741
newyorkprof: Buffalo Harbor Lighthouse #lighthouses #sunsets
newyorkprof: Top of the Liberty Building, Buffalo, NY