NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_001
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_013
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_014
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_002
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_015
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_003
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_004
NJshooter: sharp looking gents
NJshooter: Why are my parents so gangsta?
NJshooter: Michael with his Mom & Dad
NJshooter: Michael w/Aunt AnnMarie & Uncle George
NJshooter: The parents of the graduate
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_016
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_017
NJshooter: Outlaws getting down
NJshooter: The family parties w/Aunt Kelley
NJshooter: Mike_grad_2015_018
NJshooter: Michael & his Grandma
NJshooter: St Lawrence's new steeple
NJshooter: The St Lawrence crest
NJshooter: Walking the stage
NJshooter: ready to get the sheepskin
NJshooter: Michael receiving his degree
NJshooter: Michael receives his official diploma
NJshooter: Michael finishes the great walk
NJshooter: Oh God - now I have to find a job - NOOO Back to School...
NJshooter: Ben w/his young cousin William
NJshooter: Uncle Kris
NJshooter: Aunt Kelley
NJshooter: Kris & Liz