njs-t: JM
njs-t: Pig Statue
njs-t: Golden Statues
njs-t: JM and the pig thing
njs-t: Will
njs-t: Crown Fountain
njs-t: The Crown Fountain
njs-t: Sculptures
njs-t: Now Approaching the Bean
njs-t: The Bean
njs-t: Will at the Bean
njs-t: Bean Reflection
njs-t: Bean Reflection
njs-t: Claire Reflected
njs-t: Reflections
njs-t: Right Under the Bean
njs-t: JM Under the Bean
njs-t: Will Reflected and Inverted
njs-t: Group Reflection
njs-t: Group Reflection
njs-t: Wavy Bean
njs-t: JM and I
njs-t: Us
njs-t: Will and Claire
njs-t: Will and Claire
njs-t: Blue Bean
njs-t: Bandshell Seats
njs-t: IMG_1052
njs-t: Foie Gras Dog
njs-t: Chicago Dog