New Jersey State Library: Panel discussion with Susan Quinn, Cindy Czesak, Michael Maziekien, Joanne Roukens
New Jersey State Library: Panel discussion with Susan Quinn, Cindy Czesak, Michael Maziekien
New Jersey State Library: Evalina Erbe, Michael Gannon, Allan Kleinman
New Jersey State Library: Michael Gannon, from the Prince Georges County Memorial Library System, Maryland, on Facilities
New Jersey State Library: Michael Gannon, from the Prince Georges County Memorial Library System, Maryland, on Facilities
New Jersey State Library: Consultant Carson Block on Library Technology Infrastructure Update
New Jersey State Library: Deb Messling, Carolyn Reed, Michelle Malone, C.L. Quillen, Michael Cerone
New Jersey State Library: Attorney Michael Cerone on Library Law
New Jersey State Library: Attorney Michael Cerone on Library Law
New Jersey State Library: group networking discussions
New Jersey State Library: group networking discussions
New Jersey State Library: Discussing Favorite Season
New Jersey State Library: Michele Stricker expert badge
New Jersey State Library: Expert badges
New Jersey State Library: Sheila Watson, John Bonney expert badges
New Jersey State Library: Joanne Roukens, assistant director of LibraryLinkNJ
New Jersey State Library: Mary Chute, State Librarian, Kathy Schalk-Greene, executive director of LibraryLinkNJ
New Jersey State Library: Mary Chute, State Librarian, Kathy Schalk-Greene, executive director of LibraryLinkNJ
New Jersey State Library: Michele Stricker, deputy state librarian, welcome