New Jersey State Library: Alison Bryant
New Jersey State Library: Alison Bryant
New Jersey State Library: audience "roaring" for Alison
New Jersey State Library: audience "roaring" for Alison
New Jersey State Library: Patricia Tumulty
New Jersey State Library: Patricia Tumulty
New Jersey State Library: John Chrastka and Mary Chute
New Jersey State Library: John Chrastka, keynote
New Jersey State Library: Trustees, future of libraries
New Jersey State Library: Johannes Neuer
New Jersey State Library: Johannes Neuer
New Jersey State Library: Johannes Neuer
New Jersey State Library: Chute, Neuer, Bryant, Chrastka, Tumulty, Stricker
New Jersey State Library: Chute, Neuer, Bryant, Chrastka, Tumulty
New Jersey State Library: Johannes Neuer, Michele Stricker, John Chrastka
New Jersey State Library: Jen Podolsky at tech petting zoo table
New Jersey State Library: Jen Podolsky at tech petting zoo table
New Jersey State Library: Jennifer Podolsky and Mimi Lee
New Jersey State Library: Jennifer Podolsky and Mimi Lee
New Jersey State Library: John Chrastka Future of Libraries
New Jersey State Library: Kathy Schalk-Green SWAT Team
New Jersey State Library: Margaret Shapiro Roles of Trustees
New Jersey State Library: Margaret Shapiro Roles of Trustees