New Jersey State Library: NJ State Library Staff
New Jersey State Library: Adapting to Change audience
New Jersey State Library: Adapting to Change audience
New Jersey State Library: Adapting to Change audience
New Jersey State Library: Adapting to Change audience
New Jersey State Library: Adapting to Change audience
New Jersey State Library: Social Media for Libraries with Sophie Brookover
New Jersey State Library: Social Media for Libraries with Sophie Brookover
New Jersey State Library: Communicating Respect with Deborah Blackwell
New Jersey State Library: Social Media for Libraries attendees
New Jersey State Library: Diigo with Steve Garwood
New Jersey State Library: Tech Garage with Doug Baldwin
New Jersey State Library: Tech Garage with Doug Baldwin
New Jersey State Library: Tech Garage with Doug Baldwin
New Jersey State Library: Tech Garage with Doug Baldwin
New Jersey State Library: Giri with Ronald Coughlin
New Jersey State Library: Teen Books for Adults with Danielle Larca & Nicole Politi
New Jersey State Library: Giri attendees
New Jersey State Library: Closing ceremony audience
New Jersey State Library: Teen Books for Adults with Danielle Larca & Nicole Politi
New Jersey State Library: Luisa R. Paster - Adapting to Change workshop
New Jersey State Library: Luisa R. Paster- Adapting to Change workshop