New Jersey State Library: Sharon Rawlins, NJ State Library Youth Services Consultant & Pennies for Peace Coordinator
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake, NJ State Librarian
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake models t-shirt from New Providence schools
New Jersey State Library: Christian Fraehmke, from New Providence schools
New Jersey State Library: South Hunterdon High Students
New Jersey State Library: South Hunterdon High School students
New Jersey State Library: Group with $14,000 donation check
New Jersey State Library: Fozia at Woodland Elementary
New Jersey State Library: Fozia at Woodland Elementary
New Jersey State Library: South Hunterdon High School
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake & South Hunterdon High Students
New Jersey State Library: Norma & South Hunterdon High School Students
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake & Lindsey Hintelmann, Academy of Allied Health & Biomedical Science, Woodbridge
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake & Barb Hauck-Mah, Rockaway
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake& Amy Nagle, North Providence Schools
New Jersey State Library: Christian Fraehmke & family with check
New Jersey State Library: Woodland school 6th graders
New Jersey State Library: Woodland school 5th graders
New Jersey State Library: Woodland school 4th & 5th graders
New Jersey State Library: Woodland school 4th & 5th graders