New Jersey State Library: Award Presentation
New Jersey State Library: Award Presentation
New Jersey State Library: Award Presentation
New Jersey State Library: Festivities on the Steps of the Cape May County Library
New Jersey State Library: T.J. Fry Band
New Jersey State Library: T.J. Fry Band
New Jersey State Library: T.J. Fry Band
New Jersey State Library: outdoor sign
New Jersey State Library: outdoor sign
New Jersey State Library: award presentation 1
New Jersey State Library: State Librarian Guitar Hero
New Jersey State Library: state librarian guitar hero
New Jersey State Library: strange encounter
New Jersey State Library: state librarian guitar hero
New Jersey State Library: strange encounter
New Jersey State Library: Clacker & teens
New Jersey State Library: Clacker & teens
New Jersey State Library: strange encounter
New Jersey State Library: Rita's on a hot day
New Jersey State Library: Freeholder & Guitar Hero Ralph Bakley