New Jersey State Library: Sharon Rawlins at NJSL Youth Display
New Jersey State Library: Sharon Rawlins at NJSL Youth Display
New Jersey State Library: Sharon Rawlins & Norma Blake at NJSL Youth Display
New Jersey State Library: Jackie Frangis, Gus Friedrich, Renee Swartz & Louise Forman
New Jersey State Library: Sharon Rawlins, Pat Chakaris & Norma Blake at NJSL Youth Display
New Jersey State Library: Gus Friedrich, Renee Swartz & Jorge Reina Schement
New Jersey State Library: Renee Swartz, Chair & Coordinator of the NJ Center for the Book
New Jersey State Library: Renee Swartz, Chair & Coordinator of the NJ Center for the Book
New Jersey State Library: Wilma Grey, Director of the Newark Library, & Renee Swartz
New Jersey State Library: Betty Turock & Michelle Marhefka
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake, NJ State Librarian
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake, NJ State Librarian
New Jersey State Library: Lucille Davy, Commissioner of Education
New Jersey State Library: Pat Tumulty, Norma Blake, Renee Swartz, Michelle Marhefka & Betty Turock
New Jersey State Library: Pat Tumulty, Norma Blake, Renee Swartz, Michelle Marhefka & Betty Turock
New Jersey State Library: Norma Blake, Pat Tumulty, Lucille Davy, Renee Swartz & Wilma Grey
New Jersey State Library: Pat Tumulty, Norma Blake, Gus Friedrich, Lucille Davy, Renee Swartz & Jorge Reina Schement
New Jersey State Library: Lucille Davy, Renee Swartz & Jorge Reina Schement
New Jersey State Library: Lucille Davy, Renee Swartz & Jorge Reina Schement
New Jersey State Library: Pat Tumulty, Lucille Davy, Paul Pattwell, Norma Blake, Renee Swartz & Wilma Grey
New Jersey State Library: Overhead NJSL Display
New Jersey State Library: Wilma Grey & Renee Swartz
New Jersey State Library: Overhead NJSL Display
New Jersey State Library: Overhead NJSL Display