nj_bookworm: Sam and Candace (or is it Axl Rose?), Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Stefanie, Jen & Nickey (and Barney the Cat!), Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Nickey and Barney the Cat, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Jen Mixing Up Something Good, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Stef & the Hat to End all Hats, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Nickey, Sam, Jen and Evan, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: The Twins, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Sam and Jen Chen, On the Way to Beacon Pub, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Evan and Jacqui, On the Way to Beacon Pub, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Karaoke at the Beacon Pub, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Sam and Nickey (aka Miss Nancy & Aunt Fancy), Beacon Pub, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Sam and Nickey (aka Miss Nancy & Aunt Fancy), Beacon Pub, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)
nj_bookworm: Sam and Nickey (aka Miss Nancy & Aunt Fancy), Beacon Pub, Stef and Candace's Birthday Party, Seattle, WA (Jan 2010)