nj_bookworm: Stefanie and Candace at the Metro, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: National Mall, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: National Mall, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: National Mall, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Artist Hawking Visions of Hope, National Mall, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Crowd around Washington Monument, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Making Way Through Crowd towards Lincoln Memorial, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Stefanie and Leeza in the Crowd, Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Crowd, Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Crowd, Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Picture of Me...a face in the Crowd at Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Stefanie and I in the crowd, Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: President-Elect Barack Obama Speaks at Lincoln Memorial Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Portapotties...
nj_bookworm: More Portapotties
nj_bookworm: And More...
nj_bookworm: And Yet More...
nj_bookworm: Crowd Leaving Mall Grounds After Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Crowd Leaving Mall Grounds After Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Crowd Leaving Mall Grounds After Concert, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Snipers, Old Executive Bldg (next to White House), Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Eating Ethiopian food up in Adams-Morgan, Jan 18, 2009
nj_bookworm: Bush-Cheney Pinata for Candace and Stefanie's Birthday Party, Jan 19, 2009
nj_bookworm: Cheney Picture for the Bush-Cheney Pinata, Jan 19, 2009
nj_bookworm: Because Children are the Future...Stef and Candace's little cousin Natalie hitting Bush-Cheney Pinata, Jan 19, 2009
nj_bookworm: Cousin Jason hitting Bush-Cheney Pinata, Jan 19, 2009
nj_bookworm: Stef's turn...
nj_bookworm: Candace's turn...
nj_bookworm: Finally...Pinata bursts