Niva Explorer: A pint of ale, please!
Niva Explorer: Inquiring
Niva Explorer: Shooting madness
Niva Explorer: Self-portrait with my new Olympus PEN EP-1
Niva Explorer: Self-portrait with my old Fuji
Niva Explorer: Viktorija
Niva Explorer: Viktorija
Niva Explorer: Viktorija
Niva Explorer: Viktorija
Niva Explorer: Viktorija
Niva Explorer: Viktorija
Niva Explorer: temptation at the café
Niva Explorer: Staring
Niva Explorer: motorboat pilot cruising the Nile
Niva Explorer: Musicians in Halászbástya
Niva Explorer: Sleeping at the Café
Niva Explorer: André and Serge at Proud Camden
Niva Explorer: Proud Camden
Niva Explorer: Contemplating old times
Niva Explorer: The butcher
Niva Explorer: Military escort
Niva Explorer: Smoking
Niva Explorer: Checking her email
Niva Explorer: Lost in thoughts of the past
Niva Explorer: What are you looking at?
Niva Explorer: Observing
Niva Explorer: Thinking on the next move
Niva Explorer: Having a fag