Niva Explorer: Train passing by...
Niva Explorer: Chapel in ruins
Niva Explorer: Lands of Castilla, Spain
Niva Explorer: Flower in Spain
Niva Explorer: Monastery in Asenova krepost
Niva Explorer: Old town street
Niva Explorer: Watching the pass from Asenova krepost
Niva Explorer: Photographer photographed
Niva Explorer: Shipka Tower
Niva Explorer: Contemplating old times
Niva Explorer: Grazalema
Niva Explorer: Salto del Cabrero
Niva Explorer: Tower, roofs and the mountains in the background...
Niva Explorer: The blue dot
Niva Explorer: A cone in the forest
Niva Explorer: Reservoir
Niva Explorer: Kunming Lake
Niva Explorer: Lost in thoughts of the past
Niva Explorer: Stone serpent
Niva Explorer: Walking into the unknown
Niva Explorer: The Middle Country from the train window
Niva Explorer: Early morning at the first train station in Mongolia
Niva Explorer: What are you looking at?
Niva Explorer: Observing
Niva Explorer: Gorkhi Terelj National Park
Niva Explorer: Thinking on the next move
Niva Explorer: Late evening in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park
Niva Explorer: Blue and white Buddhist ribbons