-Kj.: Crafting with leftovers
-Kj.: Curious sheep
-Kj.: Pigs in snow
-Kj.: Kindergarten
-Kj.: Piglet
-Kj.: Monster
-Kj.: Crouching tiger
-Kj.: Pictures at an exhibition
-Kj.: Fjellveien
-Kj.: Memories
-Kj.: Book launch
-Kj.: Through the window
-Kj.: Another sunset
-Kj.: Crane and wall
-Kj.: New light rail tracks
-Kj.: Entrance
-Kj.: Spring garden
-Kj.: Approaching Eemshaven
-Kj.: Wall in Leiden
-Kj.: Meeting of the Rhines
-Kj.: Field trip
-Kj.: Poster
-Kj.: Museumhaven
-Kj.: Jorne Langelaan
-Kj.: Sandviken
-Kj.: Chocolate factory
-Kj.: Carlisle
-Kj.: St. Cuthbert's church
-Kj.: Carlisle cathedral