-Kj.: Westcott House, Cambridge
-Kj.: Wall & staircase
-Kj.: Punting
-Kj.: King's College, Cambridge
-Kj.: Arm chairs and coffee cups
-Kj.: Dark side of town
-Kj.: Front yard
-Kj.: Punters
-Kj.: They're everywhere
-Kj.: College yard
-Kj.: What a university should look like
-Kj.: Crowded river
-Kj.: Punting
-Kj.: Fly
-Kj.: Bridge of Sighs
-Kj.: Swans
-Kj.: English street
-Kj.: Green garden
-Kj.: Lavender
-Kj.: Hollyhocks
-Kj.: Spiky balls
-Kj.: Bumble bees
-Kj.: Forest of thistles