nitot: The USB stick given to John as a gift
nitot: The birthday cake!
nitot: Paul Rouget doing demos
nitot: Mozilla tomorrow. Fx 3.6, TB3, Fennec
nitot: Firefox and John
nitot: Jean-Paul Huchon and my computer
nitot: Paul hacking away on stage
nitot: Tristan, John and JP Huchon
nitot: Firefox and JP Huchon
nitot: Serveurs sympathiques et bien habillés !
nitot: Introducing Drumbeat
nitot: Our vision of the Internet. The opposite of a vending machine
nitot: Peterv and John (and Peterv's mother)
nitot: Philippine discussing with JP Huchon
nitot: Firefox, Tristan & Philippine
nitot: Peterv and Tristan
nitot: Happy Birthday Firefox! (thanks Nokia for the installation!)
nitot: Firefox and Ile de France banners, side by side
nitot: JB Magescas proudly wearing a Firefox hoodie
nitot: Région Ile-de-France entrance before the rush
nitot: Une bonne soirée, c'est quand on a pécho ;-)