nitot: Workshop sticky-notes: Panel 6
nitot: Sticky note:How sustainable is the free (as in beer) Web?
nitot: On our way to the party on Thursday, after the Workshops
nitot: Workshop sticky-notes: Panel 5
nitot: Following a lunch with African bloggers
nitot: Lift Entrance
nitot: Wrokshop notes: too much centralization issues
nitot: Workshop sticky-notes: Panel 3
nitot: Workshop notes: Identity-related issues
nitot: The Entrance of La Pharo, with the Lift banner
nitot: Workshop sticky-notes: Panel 1
nitot: Workshop notes: Security-related issues
nitot: Workshop sticky-notes: Panel 4
nitot: Workshop notes: solutions to participation
nitot: Party at La Bo[a]te
nitot: Workshop notes: universal access-related issues
nitot: During my workshop "what's wrong with the Web?"
nitot: Sunset over the Vieux Port (old harbour)
nitot: Workshop sticky-notes: Panel 2
nitot: Sticky note: GreaseMonkey not yet default
nitot: Laurent Haug heading towards the Palais du Pharo, where the conference is held
nitot: Workshop "what's wrong with the Web?"
nitot: The room
nitot: Vintage Apple //c running Flight Simulator
nitot: NKM devant un écran Firefox
nitot: Hacking toys to create musical instruments
nitot: Apple ][e with 6 disk drives
nitot: NKM on stage @LIFT France 09
nitot: Vintage Amiga, spéciale dédicace à Pascal Chevrel !