nitot: Gandalf asking a question
nitot: Mitchell doing her keynote
nitot: Pepsi diète. I love Canada!
nitot: Da crowd is huge!
nitot: Tuesday morning Q&A
nitot: during the flight
nitot: Checking in at the hotel
nitot: Mitchell doing her keynote
nitot: John Lilly doing his keynote
nitot: Q&A session following the keynotes
nitot: The (big) crowd during the Q&A sessions on Tuesday
nitot: Playing pinball with Filip and Benoit
nitot: Brendan during the Tuesday Q&A sessions
nitot: Firefox logo as wallpaper and OOo icons at the CDG T3 cybercafé
nitot: Q&A session on Tuesday morning
nitot: Percy Cabello
nitot: Shaver answering a question
nitot: During the flight
nitot: Dan Veditz (security) and Matt Gertner (Prism)
nitot: "Europe rulez", says the Robot on the smart board
nitot: The Awsome Bar, now serving fluid instead of URL suggestions
nitot: Arun talking about standards
nitot: IMG_1247.JPG
nitot: IMG_1231.JPG
nitot: Lost lake
nitot: Asa filming the event
nitot: Happy people, enjoying the BBQ
nitot: Filip imitating Paul
nitot: Cédric's cool little machine (MSI) running stock Ubuntu
nitot: IMG_1255.JPG