nitot: Dinner at Seb&Flore's place
nitot: IMG_3765
nitot: IMG_3767
nitot: Paul Rouget's conference
nitot: IMG_3771Framasoft booth @ JDLL
nitot: booth @ JDLL
nitot: Pascal demoed cbeard's personas (with Barbie stuff)
nitot: Paul & Cédric
nitot: Cedric and his 'nuclear' ice-tea
nitot: Pascal & Paul manning the booth
nitot: OOo's plush toy
nitot: Better font handling (comparing Gecko 1.8, left, to 1.9, right)
nitot: Arthur, (very) young Open Standards supporter ;-)
nitot: Paul & Kazé (Fabien Cazenave, Kompozer author and XUL hacker)
nitot: The French-speaking Mozilla volunteers
nitot: On my way to the train station