nitot: Chicago airport
nitot: Olivier smoking, while peterv pretends to smoke at Chicago airport
nitot: Sunset on Chicago O'Hare airport
nitot: Chicago O'Hare airport
nitot: Schrep, cbeard, Paul Kim
nitot: Mike Schroepfer, Chris Beard, Paul Kim
nitot: IMG_1443.JPG
nitot: IMG_1444.JPG
nitot: IMG_1445.JPG
nitot: Dinner at Chilly's: Kai Engert, aka kaie
nitot: IMG_1447.JPG
nitot: IMG_1448.JPG
nitot: IMG_1449.JPG
nitot: IMG_1450.JPG
nitot: Firefox Alienware PC
nitot: Firefox Alienware PC for contest
nitot: Mitchell Baker's talk
nitot: Waiving to Gerv
nitot: Justdave with an iSight, delivering a videocast through Wifi
nitot: IMG_1472.JPG
nitot: Johnny Stenback, aka jst
nitot: IMG_1477.JPG
nitot: IMG_1478.JPG
nitot: IMG_1479.JPG
nitot: IMG_1480.JPG
nitot: IMG_1481.JPG
nitot: IMG_1482.JPG
nitot: IMG_1483.JPG
nitot: IMG_1484.JPG
nitot: IMG_1485.JPG