bichu: the taxi went thataway
bichu: reculture at the airport taxi stop
bichu: garbage
bichu: broom v. 2.0
bichu: coffee or tea?
bichu: broom v. 1.0
bichu: handymen's table
bichu: looking down on creation
bichu: DSC00494
bichu: red
bichu: beauty is in the eye of the beholder
bichu: breakfast
bichu: inside Mickey Ds shanghai
bichu: inside Mickey Ds shanghai
bichu: mannequins
bichu: electric bike
bichu: junk from the factory
bichu: DSC00515
bichu: DSC00523
bichu: DSC00527
bichu: factory suburb
bichu: DSC00539
bichu: DSC00544
bichu: DSC00546
bichu: art class training session
bichu: glue gun ;p
bichu: migrant workers children's creche
bichu: drain cleaning phone number stencil
bichu: art workshop
bichu: art workshop