bichu: Moto Q in my hand
bichu: moto Q
bichu: Erik almenberg and Chris Bernard
bichu: Erik almenberg and Chris Bernard
bichu: DSC01066
bichu: DSC01065
bichu: IMG_3696
bichu: IMG_3677
bichu: IMG_3679
bichu: Avec moi
bichu: Shel Israel
bichu: Shel Israel
bichu: Fred Bould, designer of Squeezebox by Slim Devices
bichu: Steve's new car
bichu: Conversations with Steve
bichu: Shadowplay
bichu: Chris Conley presents on Innovation
bichu: Chris Conley presents on Innovation
bichu: Chris Conley presents on Business and Design
bichu: Clashing colors
bichu: ID Open house, San Francisco
bichu: ID Open house, San Francisco
bichu: Spicy Skate wings
bichu: Mom and dad at Lau Pa Sat
bichu: Mom and Brad
bichu: The Durian
bichu: Pink House
bichu: San Francisco neighbourhood