nisa_asokan: apg motley crew
nisa_asokan: jeff d
nisa_asokan: yr in box
nisa_asokan: lilly walking tall @ eyedrum
nisa_asokan: apg @ collage show
nisa_asokan: apg energy flows in a clockwise outward circle
nisa_asokan: collage show
nisa_asokan: apg loose thier minds temporarily
nisa_asokan: brenden the superfan
nisa_asokan: first draft to opening of finnigans wake
nisa_asokan: james' matrix
nisa_asokan: poetry is expensive: second in a series of failed metaphors
nisa_asokan: lostness
nisa_asokan: burned sept 23rd
nisa_asokan: a book when submerged in water takes a long time to soak all the way thru
nisa_asokan: don't cry a pink tear eggtooth
nisa_asokan: IMG_2305
nisa_asokan: lostness
nisa_asokan: zac d and jeff d at apg
nisa_asokan: energy in a counterclockwise circle
nisa_asokan: blue beam of light hits the APG
nisa_asokan: selection from a series of failed metaphors
nisa_asokan: IMG_2920
nisa_asokan: IMG_2919
nisa_asokan: IMG_2913