PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Presbytery - XIII th century
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - XIII - XIX centuries - View from the Choir
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Cloister
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Angel sculpture on the pulpit staircase - 1403 - Jordi de Deu
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Chapel of Saint Anthony of Padua - Tomb of Sanxa Ximenss - 1436 - Pere Oller
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Chapter Hall - Door detail
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Chapter Room - Ceiling frescoes detail - 1703-1705 - By Pablo Prim
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Choir walls - detail
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Choir walls - Jordi de Deu - 1390
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Choir Walls detail - Joan de Deu - 1390-1400
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Cloister - Geese Fountain - 1498
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Cloister - Saint James
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Cloister
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Cloister Chapels - Saint George
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Cloister
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Detail of the Choir Grile - XVth century
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Detail of the Choir Grille - XV th century
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Detail of the Choir grille
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Dome - 1906-1913 - August Font
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Dome - 1906-1913 - August Font
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Exterior walls of the Choir - 1517-1620 - Bartolome ORDOÑEZ and others - Carrara marbre
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Exterior walls of the Choir - The Crucifixion of Saint Eulalia - 1562-1563 - Pere Villar - Carrara marbre
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Exterior walls of the Choir - The Flogging of Saint Eulalia - Bartolomé ORDOÑEZ - 1520 circa - Carrara marbre
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Organ - 1537-1539 - Pere Flamech - Antoni Carbonell and Pere Serafí
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Organ - 1537-1539
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Organ detail - 1537-1539 -Antoni Carbonell
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Presbystery - XIII century
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Presbytery -XIII century
PepBear: Cathedral of Barcelona - Pulpit - 1403 -Pere Sanglada
PepBear: Cathedal of Barcelona - Choir walls- Jordi de Deu - 1390-1403