PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - High Altar - Gaspar de Becerra - 1558-1584
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - facade- Francisco and Manuel de Lastra and others - 1690-1710
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - 1471-1704
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - ceilings - XV century
PepBear: Astorga - Cathedral - Baroque facade - 1690-1710 - Francisco and Manuel de Lastra and others
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - XV-XVIII centuries - Towers
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - Baroque Facade - Lastra - 1690-1710
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - Main door - 1690-1710
PepBear: Astorga - Cathedral - San Miguel Altarpiece - 1530 - Maestro de Astorga
PepBear: Astorga - Cathedral -baroque facade - 1690-1710 - Francisco y Manuel de Lastra and others
PepBear: Astorga Cathedral - Baroque Facade - Lastra - 1690-1710
PepBear: Astorga -Cathedral - High Altarpiece - 1558-1584 - Gaspar Becerra
PepBear: Astorga - Cathedral- Saint Michael Altarpiece by Maestro de Astorga in 1530
PepBear: Astorga - Cathedral -Baroque facade - 1690 -1710 -Francisco y Manuel de Lastra and others.