PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - María José CORTÉS - 2013 - La paleta del olvido
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Marusia NITA (Italy) - 2014 - Odysseus
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Shane WOLF (Mexico) - 2014 - Song of Sagesse
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Alejandro MARCO MONTALVO - 2009 - Limited study of her identity
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Charles VILLENEUVE - 2015 - Rive Gauche
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Faustino MARTÍN MARTÍNEZ - 2015 - View from inside - graphite on wood
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Fernando PÉREZ BELTRÁN - 2013 - Tanikasura
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Francisco ROA - 2010 - ST
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Inmaculada JORDÀ - 2010 - Gárgolas
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Ivan FRANCO FRAGA - 2013 - Le (Salmacis Num 3)
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Joan REBULL - 1960 - La Ben Plantada
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Jordi DIAZ ALAMÀ - 2010 - Pati quiere y no puede - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - José Luis CORELLA - 1006 - Serie X
PepBear: MEAM-Barcelona - Luca MORELLI (Italy) - 2015 - La tre verità - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM - Barcelona - Roberto FERRI (Italy) - 2013 - Son of the Morning - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM-Barcelona - Soledad FERNANDEZ - 2003 - Broken evening - Tarde quebrada - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM-Barcelona - DavidKASSAN (USA) - 2010 - Carmen
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Dino VALLS - 1993 - In Memoriam - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM-Barcelona - Arantzazu MARTÍNEZ PECIÑA - 2007 - The Fallen Angel - El Angel Caido
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - John Joseph HUNN (USA) - 2015 - Saint in Training - oil and gold on wood
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Fernando ARJONA CALVO - 2013 - Star Hunter - mixed tecnique
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Amaya CORBACHO - 2015 - Lucía alone - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Claus WORD (Italy) - 2016 - Paint it black
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - David ESCHENBERG (USA) - 2015 - Devan and Afghan - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Gabriel Jonatán OLVERA (México) - 2015 - Heaven is reached with empty hands and open mind
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Gabriella MASSARI (Italy) - 2105 - Ottavia
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - James Van FOSSAN (USA) - 2015 - Fool on a hill - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Jan MIKULKA (Czech Republic) - 2015 - In the Park - oil on canvas
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Juan Manuel COSSÍO - 2005 - The burial of Truth - Airbrush on wood
PepBear: MEAM de Barcelona - Luis ÁLVAREZ ROURE (USA) - 2015 - Scheherazade