jpberba: Introducing the guileless BB-8 to his "friends" was Chopper's idea of fun.
jpberba: The Bounty Hunter
jpberba: Err. Babies?
jpberba: Trapped!
jpberba: Robo-walk!
jpberba: "I Came in Like a Christmas Ball"
jpberba: You're One Fine Stormtrooper
jpberba: Comfort in Company
jpberba: Lonely Night
jpberba: Onward! #starwars #stormtroopers #afaa
jpberba: Giant! #starwars #stormtroopers #afaa
jpberba: Flowers for You
jpberba: A Flower for the Owner
jpberba: Come and Smell the Flowers
jpberba: Appreciating the Little Things
jpberba: A Stalwart Sentry
jpberba: Scout Trooper-ing, How it's done.
jpberba: A Sniper's Nest
jpberba: We've Been Caught!
jpberba: Ruuuuuun!
jpberba: The Great Eggscape
jpberba: Spider-Zen
jpberba: Not a Step Further!
jpberba: Jawas, The Scavengers of Tatooine
jpberba: A Perilous Escape
jpberba: Artoo, Get Me Out!
jpberba: Stop the CYBERCRIME LAW
jpberba: Make it stop!
jpberba: Y U NO STUDY?
jpberba: Robotic Ruminations